Document Downloads

With links to (valuable and informative!?!) portable document format (PDF) files scattered all over this website I thought it might be helpful to consolidate those documents in one place. Therefore, what you will find here will be links to the documents referenced in the blog pages. You won't find all of the documents here; at least, not yet. This is going to be a work in progress for quite some time.
Activated Sludge
Activated Sludge Microbiology Problems and Their Control by Michael Richard, Ph.D.
This is an outstanding reference document that Dr. Richard presented at the 20th Annual USEPA National Operator Trainers Conference in Buffalo, NY on June 8, 2003. Yes, I agree, that was a long time ago! But the information in this document remains just as valid today as it was way back then.
This is a 55-page (7 MB file size, PDF file) wastewater treatment document from Robert W. Brown and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
The Biological Basis of Wastewater Treatment by Peter Spencer Davies, B. Sc., Ph.D.
An extensive, 245-page, PDF file covering numerous topics.
This document is Chapter 3 from one of my favorite textbooks: Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design, edited by Mogens Henze, Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht, George A. Ekama, and Damir Brdjanovic. How I luckily came across this PDF, I don't know. But it's a great chapter from a great book. You need this book in your library. In the meantime, enjoy the chapter.
Novozymes is a global company specializing in enzymes and microbes. They have produced some informative documents that I want to share with you.
Novozymes: Enzymes at Work
Novozymes: A Guide to Higher Life Forms
Novozymes: A Guide to Microbiology
Novozymes: Inhibitory Chemicals
Novozymes: Nitrification Q and A
Novozymes: Reference Guide to Activated Sludge
Design and Operation of Final Clarifiers by Sam Jeyanayagam.
This is a necessary read for anyone interested in State Point Analysis. I have relied heavily on this article for developing my own review of State Point.
Optimizing Clarifier Design and Performance by John K. Esler, P.E.
What every operator needs to know about secondary clarification by Adam Rogensues.
Design Standards
Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities (2014 Edition)
This technical wastewater design document is referred to as the “10 States Standards.” The 10 states that comprise the group from the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River geographic area are listed below. The Canadian province of Ontario is also part of this group though I’m not showing it in the state listing.
New York
EPA Documents
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a great wealth of information. Below is a listing of documents I've downloaded from their site, documents that I've referenced throughout this website.
Biosolids Technology Fact Sheet: Alkaline Stabilization of Biosolids
Hach Documents
The laboratory equipment I use in the field comes from Hach, one of my favorite vendors, due to the quality, reliability, and ruggedness of their instruments. Their test-in-a-tub (TNT) reagents are so easy to use making lab work a snap for the non-chemist, non-laboratory person. Here you will find links to PDF files relating to Hach products and procedures.
Getting To Know the Odor Compounds by Nora Goldstein
Oxygen Uptake Rate
Petrochemical Documents
Desalting Heavy Canadian Crude by Tom Collins and Tony Barletta.
What’s in the Crude? Investigating the Impact of Water Soluble Organics in Upgraded Crude Oils on Refinery Wastewater Systems by John Christiansen, P.E., Clifford R. Lange, Ph.D, and Paul M Dyke.
Unit Conversions
I'm so completely stuck in the U.S. Customary system of units, unlike the rest of the world. So I find myself often having to reference various documents that show conversion from metric to US units of measure and vice versa. Below are links to a number of helpful unit conversion documents. But first I'd like to provide another link to a very nice, FREE, handy, helpful piece of software that I use very often. The software is offered from a British company, Pipeflow, that specializes in hydraulics modeling and analysis software. Though I have all of their superb products the free conversion program I recommend is called "Convert 123." A screenshot of this program is provided below. The link to the company is here:
The documents that follow are not listed by priority or preference. My recommendation is that you just take a look and then keep and print what you like, discard what you don't.