May 10, 20205 min read
The organic strength of wastewater is measured in three ways: 1) as 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), 2) chemical oxygen demand...

May 10, 20207 min read
Rules of Thumb—Wastewater Treatment
Some Simple Guides This post provides tips and insights I've come across focused on wastewater treatment topics. A search on Google for...

Oct 2, 20197 min read
Seawater Infiltration & Sulfate
Introduction Many wastewater plants suffer capacity loss due to inflow and infiltration. For the majority of municipal treatment plants...

Sep 29, 20198 min read
GSA, MCRT, SRT, and Sludge Age
GSA, MCRT, SRT, and Sludge Age Defined I think there is confusion, sometimes, in how operators (which includes me) define the terms mean...

Sep 10, 20198 min read
Estimating RAS TSS
Introduction In this post I'm going to discuss how you can estimate the solids concentration in the return activated sludge (RAS) using...

Jul 31, 20192 min read
Informational Graphics and Other Things
Bits and Pieces of Information When I come across information related to water and wastewater topics, information that I'm not yet...